Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Hasil penelitian tentang FKPM yang terindikasi masih jauh dari standard operasionalisasai polmas




Forum Kemitraan Polisi dan Masyarakat (FKPM) is represent as the part of development program of Perpolisian Masyarakat (Polmas) which is in form of social organization as cooperation between Police with the society that operational the Polmas in its environment. Polmas is formed as one way by Police to alter the old paradigm of Police which tend to the arogan and militeristik paradigm become the trusted and supported full civil Police by society as partner in realizing peaceful and society orderliness and solve the social problem that happened. Therefore, formed a partner forum which its membership mirror the delegation of all element in society inclusive of Polmas and local government.

Effectiveness is the way of seeing how an organization can reach the target which had been determined in the organization previously by using existing source and appliance optimally. Effectiveness measurement of organization can be done by paying attention with organizational productivity or output or result which have been reached from organizational applying, by organizational ability adapt with the change in and outside organization and by no stress in existence organization or conflict resistance among parts of organization. The method used to know effectiveness of FKPM in reaching its target is by indepht interview with informan, observation in place research and study documentation that related to this FKPM research. The target which is expected reached in this research is to know the effectiveness of implementation FKPM at Pekon Pardasuka in order to creating security and orderliness in there.

Based on the research result, known that the implementation FKPM at Pekon Pardasuka is not run well according to guidance of forming and operationalization Polmas, that is Skep/433/VII/2006, so that FKPM implementor do not understand the fundamental duty and its function and than make the target FKPM implementation in creating cooperation of local society and police to overcome the social problem and badness, is not reached or not effective. The best matter which require to improving the implementation this partner forum in implementing fundamental duty and function, by personel Polmas and also FKPM member, have to pay attention to Skep/433/VII/2006 as base of implementation and operation of society police.

Keyword: Polmas, Partner Forum, Effectiveness

Sumber: Skripsi UNILA

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